The J. Beauregard Henry Story

Born in New Orleans, raised and educated in north Mi'sippi, and transplanted to Denver. Forced to leave medical school and find work from home because of McCune-Albright Syndrome (required bi-lateral hip replacements). Surgeries went even better than could be expected, so I am embracing the present and looking for a career writing code. With a demonstrable history of achieving excellence, I am rekindling an interest that I have held since high school.


I hope the CODE DANGEROUSLY made you laugh. I giggle every time I see it. On a more serious note, though, I am interested in becoming a full stack engineer. (This goal may change as I gain experience inside the industry.) I am interested in and actively looking for a position that will challenge me the way earning a Masters of Medical Science provided a challenge. Conducting medical research required self-discipline and extraordinary attention to detail, which could be taxing, but the reward was loving to get up and go to work each morning not knowing what challenges the day would present. Writing code in JavaScript, Ruby, or Go provides a similar challenge. For more information, please take a look below, on my GitHub, or on my CV.


My Website

This webpage is both a testing ground and a showcase for learning HTML and CSS. Bootstrap, React, and JavaScript features will be added in the near future. The site is hosted on GitHub Pages, a globally distributed and highly available managed hosting platform with several benefits. First, I do not have to manage a server. Second, the release process is very light weight. Third, anyone viewing my site will get it quickly. Finally, in the event that a regional data center goes down, my site will stay up.

Go Code


A standalone app written in Go. Go was chosen because it can be used to create statically linked binaries that can run on Linux, Mac, and Windows machines. This enables strangers to run my program without having to learn how to compile a Go program from source code (yuck). When I started the project I was sending plain text to the browser. Then I started sending HTML to the browser and I didn't want ugly HTML strings in my go files, so I created dedicated template files. However, I didn't want to give up the convenience of my program being a single file so I added a pre-build step to load those pesky assets into a virtual file system inside the application. I enjoyed writing the payment processor for because it allowed me to work on a full stack application. I am finding that writing good code is like solving a difficult puzzle, and each piece builds on the previous one(s).

Fluorescent Biomarkers


I spent just over three years performing medical research. My research focused on how tissues in the heart changed following a heart attack, with an emphasis on understanding scar formation. Scar tissues are rigid and inflexible, which stresses healthy tissue while it tries to compensate for the dead tissue which is lost as the result of a heart attack. If we can understand the process of scar formation, we might be able to help the heart build a better, more flexible, scar.

Related Skills: Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, Attention to Detail, Reproducibility

A Stack of Journals



Reading List


HR Key Words